AFFDF and It's Significance

Armed Forces Flag Day

  • 7th December is observed as the Armed Forces Flag Day every year throughout the country to honor the sacrifices of Indian Armed Forces who have valiantly fought to safeguard the Nation.
  • During the course of achieving victories in the various wars which the nation has fought and in combating the ongoing cross-border terrorism and insurgency, our Armed Forces have lost and continue to lose valuable lives and leave quite a few disabled. Those of our men who are disabled require care and rehabilitation so that they can lead a life of dignity.
  • Armed Forces Flag Day brings to the forefront our obligation of looking after our veterans, widows and dependents  of those who have sacrificed their lives for the country. On this day the services rendered by personnel of the Armed Forces are remembered. Armed Forces Flag Day also provides an opportunity to the citizens to contribute generously  to the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.

Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF)

  • AFFDF has been established with the objective of assisting Veterans, Widows and their dependents as well as the institutions/organizations created for rehabilitation of paraplegic soldiers.
  • AFFDF assists to meet the expenses for Mobility equipment for disabled veterans, Vocational Training for Widows, Widow Remarriage/Daughter Marriage, medical treatment for serious diseases for non-pensioner veterans, Children Education, etc.
  • The management of AFFDF is entrausted to the Managing Committee headed by Hon’ble Raksha Mantri as its Chairman, Raksha Rajya Mantri as its Vice-Chairman, and members include  the Service Chiefs, Defence Secretary, Secretary ESW and the other senior officials.
  • Contributions towards AFFDF are exempted under Income Tax under Section 80 G (5) (vi) of Income Tax Act 1961. Contributions to AFFDF can be made throughout the year through BHIM/UPI, Credit Cards / Debit Cards / Net banking Accounts.

Constitution of AFFDF

  • AFFDF was established as a Trust on 20 July 1962 under the Charitable Endowments Act 1890 vide Govt of India Gazette dated 4 August 1962.
  • Vide Gazette of India notification No 5(1) /92/US(WE)/D (Res) dated 13 Apr 1993, the following funds were amalgamated into one fund named as “Armed Forces Flag Day Fund”.
  1.  Amalgamated Special Fund for war bereaved, war disabled and other ESM/serving personnel.
  2. Armed Forces Flag Day Fund.
  3. St.Dunstan’s (India) and Kendriya Sainik Board Fund.
  4. Indian Gorkha Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare Fund.
  • Objectives of the Fund:
  1. To sanction expenditure for any scheme, collective or individual, for promoting employment, self-employment or training of Ex-Servicemen, widows and dependents;
  2. To grant financial assistance of any kind to Ex-Servicemen, widows and dependents for the purposes intended to provide for their relief, including medical treatment, welfare and rehabilitation.
  3. To assist institutions/organizations for their upkeep and any expenditure on Ex-Servicemen/ their dependents, inmates in such institutions.
  4. To do all such other lawful things as are or may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the fund.

Management of AFFDF

Managing Committee:


– Raksha Mantri

Vice Chairman

– Raksha Rajya Mantri


  • Chief of the Army Staff
  • Chief of the Naval Staff
  • Chief of the Air Staff
  • Defence Secretary
  • Secretary, ESW
  • Financial Advisor (DS)
  • Joint Secretary, ESW
  • Director General Resettlement
  • President, All India Gorkha Ex-Servicemen’s Welfare Association, Dehradun.
  • Commander, Dehradun Sub-Area.
  • Three Ex-Service Officers (One from each service) to be nominated by the Chairman.
  • One lady member to be nominated by the Chairman.

Special Invitees: Representative of

  •  Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

  • Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.

  • Secretary General,  Indian Red Cross Society.

  • Director General, Confederation of Indian Industries (CII).

  • Director General, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industries (FICCI).

  • Director General Employment & Training.

  • MD, ECHS.

Secretary Inviteees

  • Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board.

Operations of the Account

Account of the Fund shall be operated by Secretary Kendriya Sainik Board on behalf of Managing Committee/ Executive Committee of the Fund.

Welfare Schemes managed from AFFDF

Individual Grants

S.No. Scheme Eligibility Conditions Amount of Financial Assistance
Pension Status Rank Other Conditions
1 Assistance to Ex-Servicemen in Penury Only Non-pensioner Up to the rank of Havildar in Army and equivalent in Navy and Air Force ESM and their widows who are not in receipt of any pension and are above 65 years of age. Rs.4,000/- per month per beneficiary, paid annually
2 Assistance for Education of Children/Widows of ESM All Up to the rank of Havildar in Army and equivalent in Navy and Air Force Limited to two dependent children of ESM Rs.1000/- per month per beneficiary for the previous academic year, Payable in one installment.
3 Assistance to 100% Disabled Children of ESM All Upto the rank of JCO/equivalent of the Army/Navy/Air Force 100% disabled children of ESM Rs 3,000/- per month, paid annually
4 Assistance for marriage of daughters of ESM/Remarriage of Widows All Up to the rank of Havildar in Army and equivalent in Navy and Air Force Applicable for remarriage of widows and up to two daughters of ESM One time grant of Rs 50,000/- per person for widow remarriage /daughter marriage.
5 Assistance to non-pensioner ESM for medical treatment Only Non-Pensioner Up to the rank of Havildar in Army and equivalent in Navy and Air Force To meet routine medical expenses during the year. One time grant of maximum of Rs.30,000/- per year.
6 Assistance to Orphan children of ESM All Upto the rank of JCO/equivalent of the Army/Navy/Air Force Orphaned sons till 21 years of age and orphaned unmarried daughters. Rs 3,000/- per month, paid annually
7 Assistance for vocational training of widows of ESM All Up to the rank of Havildar in Army and equivalent in Navy and Air Force. Vocational course at any recognized vocational training institution run by RSB/ZSB, States like ITI or private training institutions of repute like NIIT etc. One time aid of upto Rs.20,000/-., payable on successful completion of the vocational training
8 Assistance for treatment of serious diseases to ESM/Widows Only Non-pensioner All Ranks The financial assistance for treatment of the approved serious diseases. Max of Rs. 1,25,000/- (One Time)
9 Assistance for procurement of mobility equipment for disabled ESM All Upto the rank of JCO/equivalent of the Army/Navy/Air Force ESM who are disabled after their retirement from service with disability of 50% or more.. Upto max sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- per ESM. Life of Mobility Equipment has been fixed as 10 years
10 Assistance as Interest Subsidy on Home Loan All Upto the rank of JCO/equivalent of the Army/Navy/Air Force War Bereaved, War Disabled and Attributable Peacetime casualties only. 50% of the interest charged would be reimbursable as interest subsidy upto maximum of Rs 1,00,000/-

Institutional Grants

S.No Institution Grant Remarks
1 Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Khadki Lump sum annual grant of Rs 1.2 Crore. Rs 30,000/- per inmate per annum -
2 Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Mohali Lump sum annual grant of Rs 10 lakh Rs 30,000/- per inmate per annum -
3 Cheshire Homes Rs 15,000/- per inmate per annum Cheshire home Delhi, Dehradun & Lucknow
4 War Memorial Hostels Rs.1350/-per ward per month staying in War Memorial Hostels 35 War Memorial Hostels
5 Financial grant to All India Gurkha Ex-Servicemen Association, Dehradun Rs 12,00,000/- per annum -
6 Maintenance grant for Sainik Rest Houses (SRH) in 11 Hill States Rs 50000/- per SRH, paid annually -
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